A little spot of anger : ; By Alber, Diane.

Format:it can be really hard to handle big emotions, especially anger! kids experience frustrating situations every day, whether it's someone taking their toy or they feel like they can't do something. this story shows them that instead of yelling or stomping their feet, they can practice some fun ways to help them stay calm. by associating emotions with something a child can visual (bright red spot), they are able to see when a small feeling of frustration can easily turn into a big angry emotion. they will realize they can manage their spots of emotions with fun counting and breathing techniques by watching an angry spot start to shrink down.
Physical Details: 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 22 cm.
Notes:Subtitle from cover.
Record No.:415226
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
03. English Easy Reading E ALB Cardigan Consolidated School 2024-06-11 CARD18507
03. English Easy Reading E ALB Parkside Elementary School 2024-04-04 PSXX29753
03. English Easy Reading 152.4 ALB O'Leary Elementary School 2021-12-10 OLCS7081